Beginning January 15, 2021, the maximum fine under the Occupational Safety and Health Act for a serious or other-than-serious violation increases to $13,653 per violation. Significantly, for each willful or repeat violation, the maximum fine increases to $136,532, almost twice what it was just a few years ago. Moreover, the Secretary of Labor for the incoming administration has a labor union background which may result in more aggressive enforcement of the Act and its regulations. As a result, employers must be vigilant in following applicable regulations, maintaining a safe workplace, and adhering to OSHA’s recordkeeping requirements, including guidance relating to reporting of COVID-19 infections likely contracted at work.
For further information about OSHA compliance, please contact at a link below one of the attorneys in Rogers Towers’ Labor and Employment Team.
Eric J. Holshouser | 904.346.5788 |
Samuel J. Horovitz | 904.346.5774 |
Robert G. Riegel, Jr. | 904.473.1383 |
Michael J. Lufkin | 904.346.5795 |
Kathryn K. Rudderman | 904.346.5791 |