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Emily G. Pierce , Shareholder
Emily G. Pierce

Emily Pierce is a shareholder in Rogers Towers’ Governmental and Regulatory Law Department.  She practices in the areas of land use law, local government procurement and governmental relations.  Her experience includes comprehensive planning, zoning, concurrency, local government procurement, impact fees, exactions, and related permitting matters for numerous developments; permitting for 
Developments of Regional Impact; negotiation of development agreements for landowners and developers; land use litigation in state and federal courts; administrative hearings; consultation in preparation of bids and responses to requests for proposals for local government contracts; and procurement hearings.  


  • Panelist: ADAPT: Achieving a Resilient Jacksonville, WJCT, Jacksonville, Florida, 2023
  • Presentor: City Council Special Subcommittee on Resiliency, COJ, Jacksonville, Florida, 2020

Representative Matters